Thursday, August 12, 2010

Arrange Whatever Pieces come your Way-Virginia Woolf

"Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful"-John Maeda

A year ago I felt like I was running on a treadmill going a thousand miles an hour and getting no where. The average person is said to have 60,000 separate thoughts everyday. Your thoughts create your reality because your thoughts determine how you respond to situations in daily life.I was always thinking and doing. I could never just-BE.

I came across a quote : NEVER -too old , too late,never too sick,never too bad to start from scratch and BEGIN again.-Bikram

Growing up I always felt like I didn't quite fit the mold. I watched television shows and found characters I could become. From Joey Potter to Marrissa Cooper their skin was much more easy to live in than my own.I thought a career in acting was a ticket to escape and be someone else.Turns out its a pursuit of truth and compassion for real life stories.After peeling back layers during my actor training I created a character to be me.At a certain point I just felt so lost. Id look in the mirror and be confused who is looking back. My mom always says everyone else is already taken you have to be yourself. Ive always known that progress would be impossible if I always did things the way I've been doing them. I wanted a transformation from the inside out. I removed all physical masks ,practiced yoga twice a day and kept myself present. You can only hide from yourself for so long. "There is just one life for each of us;our own"-Euripides

Its essential in this fast paced world to slow down and breathe. In one of Wayne Dyer books he describes a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Open to everything means being peaceful , radiating love,practicing forgiveness, being generous , respecting all life and most important visualizing yourself capable of doing anything that you conceive of in your heart and mind. Letting life come and go as it will. Enjoy it all but never make your success or happiness dependent on an attachment to anything , any place , and particularly any person.

Lifetime pursuit of happiness. I often hear I would be happier if I knew what my purpose is. I think happiness is a choice. Its an attitude rooted in gratitude for what we already have. "As soon as you trust yourself you will know how to live"-John Wolfgang Von Goethe It starts with the question of ,what is your passion? What stirs your soul and makes you feel like its why you showed up in the first place? Whatever it is one can make a living doing it and simultaneously provide a service for others. Its hard to take the path less traveled but it may be worth it in the long run.We all enter the world with nothing. We leave the world with nothing. All of your achievements and materials can not come with you. Therefore the only thing left to do in life is ---give it all away.


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