Friday, August 27, 2010

You have nothing to lose. You never had anything in the first place.-Bikram

Day 1 of a 30 day yoga challenge.

Strength isn't about how much you can handle before you break. Its about how much you can handle after you break.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” - Wolfgang Von Goethe

Before I went to Las Vegas for Bikram Yoga training I was practicing twice a day everyday. My body was prepared for the intense college of India. My mind on the other hand was going crazy. I couldn't believe I was leaving , I was scared , everything felt unknown.Once I arrived things switched, my body kept giving out and my mind was content. In the yoga bubble I mastered my thoughts , and didn't let my peace be disturbed.

"Nothing can steal happiness, peace away from you: if anyone does make you angry, you are the loser; if someone can allow you to lose peace, you are the loser"-
Bikram Choudhury
When I returned from Vegas my body was really strong and my mind wasn't. Reality set in and I didn't feel like the same person. Before I went to the training my good friend Tabitha asked me what I wanted out of the next  teacher training and I said to come back a different person. I did , just not who I imagined. I finally have reached a point where Id like my mind , body and soul to be connected and strong. This is my life , and I kept forgetting I'm the one "steering the boat" as my sister always says.
I'm so excited to share YOGA at the actors foundry-
COME NEXT TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND and begin your yoga journey.
The connection Ive found in my yoga and acting training is TRUTH. You find out the TRUTH about yourself. The more your heart opens the more truth you find about yourself this directly leads you to your passion. A simple sense of self.
"You can liberate your misery from your past and go forward. You can liberate your soul to be FREE live happily , and get the most from your spirit." " You need to make your greatest weakness your greatest strength"- Rajashree

Body, Mind and Spirit Connection

One of the many benefits of Yoga, including Bikram, is the chance to get the mind and body in harmony and on the same track, increasing the awareness of one’s self. Most every Bikram class opens with controlled breathing exercises, designed to help align the body, mind and spirit with good health.

“The simplicity of Bikram's poses is one more way to avoid being distracted from myself,” says Time Magazine’s Lise Funderburg. “To spend this much time slowly and gently stretching is a luxury that I enjoy nowhere else in my life.”

Read more:

In Vegas I met UNBELIEVABLE minds. The 300 people from all over the world had such amazing lives and stories that lead them to this training. I am forever grateful from my Bikram family.

You begin to search for yourself outside of who you are. You search for what you believe you don't have:justice,beauty,happiness and love, when all of these were always inside you.- The Four Agreements ( MY favorite book-do read it!)

Your NEVER too old,never too late,never too sick,never too bad to START from scratch and BEGIN again.

This is how it works-your young until your not, you love until you don't, you try until you cant, you laugh until you cry, you cry until you laugh,everyone must breathe until their dying breath. You peer INSIDE yourself ,you take the things you like and try to love the things you took and stick it into others hearts.

When you solve everything INSIDE yourself, you can solve everything out there.- Colin Uppal


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